حل ورك بوك الوحدة الثانية انجليزي تاسع

لتحميل الملف :

حل وورك بوك الوحدة الثانية انجليزي تاسع : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف حلا شاملا و دقيقا للوحدة الثانية وورك بوك ، من منهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف التاسع ، وقد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء في دراستهم وتحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل


Write these sentences in the correct order

 adopted / idea / been families/by/Richard’s / has / other

Richard’s idea has been adopted by other families

 haye  / iops / both the farmers helped / lights ./ and

The lights have helped both farmers and lions / lions and farmers

 around /nوhave / by / Kenya / they / used / many / been farmers

They have been used by many farmers around Kenya

 been / elephants / their / from / have / crops / protected

Their crops have been protected from elephants

 has / Richard’s / by changed / invention / life / his / been

Richard’s life has been changed by his invention


 Choose the correct form of the present perfect, active or passive, to complete the sentences

 Many lions (kill have been killed

because they ( attack ) have attacked cattle and other animals

 Richard Turere ( invent ) has invented a device for keeping lions away from farms has been

 The device (be) a success for Richard’s family Richard’s lion lights (use) have been used all over Kenya

 Richard Coffer) has been offered a scholarship at one of Kenya’s top schools. Richard ( present ) has presented

the idea for his lion lights at a conference in California

 Plan a tweet. Remember the key points from the article on Richard’s invention and think about the best order. Make notes


Writing tip When you make notes, write key words and short phrases to help you remember the most important information. Don’t write complete sentences


Read the text and complete the information. Use the correct form of the present

have been destroyed Over the past few years enormous areas of rainforest ( destroy ). Many areas have been cleared; ( clear ) to grow soya and palm oil. Other areas have been burhan to make spas for human settlements. Towns and villages have been buibuild in the territory of wild animal such as lions and elephants so inventionsh a keto help protect both the people and the animals



 Think about the following questions

 Think about the vocabulary you have learned. What strategies have you used to remember it

 How do you learn best ? What activity types have helped you to understand any new language and information

Keeping the balance right in the food chain is very important

Forests have been cut down for wood … Buildings are built on grassland … This means that there aren’t as many plants and flowers for butterflies, bees and other insects to feed on. So birds like kingfishers have fewer insects to eat, and their numbers go down It also means that there aren’t as many plants for herbivores , such as deer, to eat. So the deer find it hard to get food. And their numbers go down And this also means that predators at the top of the food chain, like mountain lions, have less prey to eat. So their numbers go down as well


Lessons 10-11 Man in harmony with nature

Read another extract from the Maori story. Put the paragraphs in the correct order

Text A

= 2 They were dolphins. They circled around Kahu and seemed to be talking to her. She nodded and grabbed one around its body. As quick as a flash the dolphins sped her to another area of the reef and stopped. Kahu seemed to say, “Down here and the

الصف التاسع عام
لغة انجليزية الصف التاسع
انجليزي تاسع الفصل الاول
حجم الملف
4.78 MB
عدد الزيارات
تاريخ الإضافة
2020-06-08, 01:52 صباحا



#الصف التاسع عام, #انجليزي تاسع الفصل الاول, #حل ورك بوك الوحدة الثانية انجليزي تاسع, #لغة انجليزية الصف التاسع
الصف التاسع عام

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